hotel nikko osaka

Basic Policy on Customer Harassment


Hotel Nikko Osaka strives for “the peak of omotenashi (Japanese hospitality) and aims to create a place that can always provide guests with the best relaxation, enjoyment, and energy.” Moreover, in our aim to improve service quality, we believe in fostering a workplace where all employees can work with peace of mind, maintaining optimal mental and physical health. On the other hand, while very rare, unreasonable demands, malicious complaints, slander, libel, and other nuisance behaviors are predicted to occur, and in consideration of the present social circumstances, we have established and publicly announced this Basic Policy on Customer Harassment from a position of protecting our employees.

Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

Definition of customer harassment

Those complaints, words, and actions from guests (including trading partners) that involve means or manners of achieving the demands made by the complains, words, or actions that are considered socially unacceptable, in view of the validity of the substance of the demands made, where the means or manner harms the employees’ working environment.

Actions considered customer harassment

These follow the Corporate Manual on Measures against Customer Harassment published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

These examples of actions are given merely as examples and are not intended to be exhaustive.

Responses to customer harassment

Responses to guests

Responses to employees

Our requests of guests

Most guests use the hotel without any of the matters listed above occurring. However, if words or actions constituting customer harassment are confirmed, we will respond firmly in line with this basic policy.
We will make every effort so that we can continue to provide our guests with the highest quality service. Your continued cooperation would be appreciated.

February 2025
Hotel Nikko Osaka